ho'oponopono technique for healing

Ho'oponopono Technique for Healing

There are many instances where it is possible to use the ho'oponopono technique for healing a person's psychological condition when things have gone wrong in their lives.

By bringing a state of calm and mental cleansing, it is possible to vastly improve their life and their relationships by nullifying any mental or emotional blockages that may be hampering their progress.

There are four main areas that are targeted through use of this practice of ho'oponopono for healing, which are self love, repentance, forgiveness and gratitude.

The Healing Practice of Ho'oponopono

I'll go through the four areas and explain them to give you a better understanding of why they are there and how they integrate to form a complete mental and emotional cleaning procedure.healing practice

Self Love

It is relatively common for a large number of people to lose or bury their love for themselves.

When this happens, the person can turn on themselves, forming self-destructive habits and patterns of behaviour that cascade in a downward spiral of self loathing and hatred. This is a wholly unnatural situation that should and can be avoided or treated if already in action.

Through the simple ho'oponopono mantra that encompasses the words, "I love you," and are directed at the self, a change in the self-image is subtly and progressively imbued in the person.


The acceptance that you are responsible for your past, present and future circumstances is powerful in itself, but amplifying this power is repenting for the mistakes you have made, are making and will make.

Simply saying, "I'm sorry," for all mistakes throughout your life has a positive effect on your physical being as a way of letting go of any guilt attached to those mistakes. By liberating the emotion of guilt, we enable the healing process to work using ho'oponopono at its own pace.


Forgiveness feels like a present we love, but don't know how others can give it to us.

For some, even getting the gift for ourselves can seem daunting. Sometimes the burden of seeking forgiveness or practising self forgiveness can seem to be a struggle.

This technique that makes forgiveness simple can also help you to start healing. It will all make sense once you realize the beauty and power behind it.


Being grateful for everything you have in life is an integral part of nature that if every person were to practice it, the world would be a much nicer place.

The simple, yet powerful words, "Thank you," send a compelling message out to the universe which is returned in kind through the law of attraction to the person in the creation of more things to be grateful for.

Gratitude feels good when it is received, but it is not only the recipient that benefits from it. The giver also benefits by having their spirit elevated to a higher degree the more it is used.

Let's now look in more depth at what the ho'oponopono technique is, how it is used and the ways in which the ho'oponopono practitioner and recipient both benefit from it.

How to Practice Ho'oponopono

Whether your intention is to use ho'oponopono to heal yourself or another person, the actual process is the same.

You need to clear your mind and repeat the simple four-part mantra over and over, either directing its power inwardly to yourself or externally to the other person. The mantra is as follows:

The order is not all that important, although I tend to prefer the way it is printed above as it just feels right to me. I follow a kind of logic where I have always said, "thank you," at the end of asking for and receiving anything.

As we're not all the same, you are free to choose which order suits you best.

As you repeat these four simple phrases, their combined healing power infuses through your mind, cleaning and refreshing as it goes. The power is in the cumulative release from negative emotions that have become stuck and backed up within the virtual corridors of your mind.

While repeating the mantra, you should focus on the person you are healing, or if you are self-healing, focus on yourself.

The best place or situation to work with this mantra and its mental cleansing process is a quiet space where you are unlikely to be disturbed. You should place yourself in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down away from draughts and warm enough that you won't feel cold when your body relaxes and your body temperature drops a little.

You can continue repeating the mantra quietly to yourself, as a whisper or even silently in your mind for as long as you are comfortable. The latter method can lead to a deeper meditative state that can aid the process.


Keeping things as simple as possible makes this process easy to follow for anyone who has the ability to do so in a relaxed, calm state.

The ho'oponopono technique is most potent when performed on yourself, as it cleans the mind and removes emotional obstacles that might get in the way of performing the process on another person. This can create a cleaner base for the practitioner to be fully prepared to work on another person more effectively.

Posted: August 27, 2023
