inner wisdom and ho'oponopono

Inner Wisdom and Ho'oponopono

We all possess inner wisdom but few of us know how to access it. The practice of ho'oponopono can help in this respect as it unlocks the emotional restraints to free the power within.

One of our mental faculties is the ability to learn and accumulate wisdom over time through experiences and also from the knowledge store of the divine universe.

With wisdom, we are able to make our journey through life with greater ease as the path is much more brightly lit for us to see where we're going.

Ho'oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian prayer, healing and enlightenment practice that embodies reconciliation and forgiveness. It can guide us along a transformative journey that will bring us to spiritual awakening, emotional freedom and self-discovery.

The Practice of Cleaning

learningI am currently exploring this very special practice in search of freedom of thought, emotion and being that may lead me to a better place.

Our very existence is shadowed by mysteries, deceptions, trickery and outright lies that we allow to flourish because we don't know how to shed the light of truth on the things that govern our lives. However, when our minds are cleaned of the accumulated blockages that society puts in our way, we can see a clearer overall picture of what we really are.

Exploring this practice thoroughly through cleaning can provide us with a very bright light to show us the way forward and help us transform from the ignorant slaves that most don't even realise they are to truly free individuals connected on a higher plane of consciousness.

Acquiring Wisdom

The acquisition of true wisdom can be visualised as a five-stage journey.

  1. Space:

    Inner wisdom connects us to a spacious existence that is already here but that we have not yet realised. There exists an infinite field of possibilities that we can tap into and use to our advantage once we have discovered how we truly connect with the universe.
  2. Innocence:

    The wisdom within can revitalise our spirit, revealing a centre of authenticity and joy. Life can and should resonate with vibrancy as our world is seen through the eyes of innocence.
  3. Freedom:

    Wisdom releases us from unwanted thought patterns that enslave us. The internal mental chatter that takes over our lives is rendered silent, allowing deeper, more meaningful thought to percolate through the empty spaces.
  4. Silence:

    Wisdom brings inner silence. This sanctuary is our place of retreat where we may recharge and locate our centre. We may find the validation we need in the stillness of our silent inner self.
  5. Light Heart:

    Wisdom lightens our heart infusing us with elation and joy. Freed from the limitations of the often unreal expectations of society, we discover a life of authenticity, joy and peace.

Ho'oponopono and Wisdom

When used as a daily practice, ho'oponopono can teach us how to view our universe as a divine creation.

Through the process of cleaning away the unwanted memories and emotions buried deep in the recesses of our inner minds, it is possible to find fundamental transformation that leads us out of the darkness into the light of life.

We can now discover the unlimited wisdom that comes from within. This path of enlightenment teaches us that true wisdom does not come from the external, but is a holistically transformative experience uniting us with our true selves.


While we may continue through life ignorant of so much and just getting by, the practice of the technique of ho'oponopono can lift the veil of not knowing to opens our hearts and minds to the infinite inner wisdom that we all have access to.

Mental cleaning brings eventual emotional catharsis which is the point of releases from all that has been holding us back, restraining our progress in life and preventing true growth.

With a renewed sense of knowing, our creativity, enthusiasm and desire are freed. We can then allow ourselves to spiritually to grow, succeed and prosper in a new version of life that we deserve to enjoy.

Posted: December 4, 2023
